3rd Sunday of Lent - Father Brett Williams, Parish Priest
Welcome Everyone! So happy to have you with us!
LENTEN AUDIO REFLECTION - Friday in the 3rd Week of Lent - Father Brett Williams, Parish Priest
Lent Week 6 - AUDIO Reflection 1 - Father Brett Williams, Parish Priest
Why Become Catholic? Homily, 5th Sunday Lent (3rd Scrutiny) Father Brett Williams
5th Sunday of Lent - Father Brett Williams, Parish Priest
Sermon Prep - 5th Sunday of Lent - Father Brett Williams, Parish Priest
Lent Week 4 - AUDIO Reflection 1 - Father Brett Williams, Parish Priest
Lent Week 3 - AUDIO Reflection 1 - Father Brett Williams, Parish Priest
The 3rd Sunday of Lent - Father Brett Williams, Parish Priest
Sermon Prep - 3rd Sunday of Lent - Father Brett Williams, Parish Priest
Sermon Prep - 1st Sunday of Lent, Year C - Father Brett Williams, Parish Priest
Sermon Prep - 3rd Sunday of Easter - Father Brett Williams, Parish Priest
5th Sunday of Lent YEAR A (Livestream) 3rd RCIA Scrutiny - Father Brett Williams, Parish Priest
5th Sunday of Lent - YEAR B (Recorded) Father Brett Williams, Parish Priest
Sermon Prep - 5th Sunday of Lent Year B - Father Brett Williams, Parish Priest
Scriptural Stations of the Cross - 4th Friday Lent - Father Brett Williams and Father Mtshe Dlamini
Sermon Prep - Laetare Sunday - 4th Sunday of Lent - Father Brett Williams, Parish Priest
Tuesday in the 3rd Week of Lent - Father Brett Williams, Parish Priest
3rd Sunday of Lent - Father Brett Williams, Parish Priest
Sermon Prep - 3rd Sunday Of Lent - Father Brett Williams, Parish Priest
Sermon Prep - 3rd Sunday of Lent - Father Brett Williams, Parish Priest