BEST REVEAL! First Time Watching *Saw 3D/The Final Chapter (2010)* Movie Reaction
Y'all told me Saw The Final Chapter/3D had an insane twist reveal but you didn't tell me IT WAS A SECRET APPRENTENCE OF JIGSAW!! While this movie was severely lacking John Kramer screen time, I had a blast watching Hoffman go full on slasher mode in this movie... until Jill was put in the reverse bear trap. Bobby's game was also great to watch but they did his wife Joyce dirty! Doctor Gordon returning was great to see but I did not see him being team Jigsaw coming at all! Now that we are done with Saw 1-7 marathon, it's time to finally watch SAW X! I Will check out Jigsaw and Spiral at some point after Halloween but most of you explained it is needed and that those movies are not well received. So since the 1-7 main story is done, it's time to see John back in action! 🚨The Patreon: / thedorksidetv 🚨You can watch my First Time Watching SAW reactions in this playlist: • First Time Watching The *SAW* Franchise 🚨Talk to me on Social Media: Follow me on Twitter: / thedorksidetv Follow me on Instagram: / thedorksidetv intro: 00:00 SAW 3D/The Final Chapter (2010) Reaction: 00:43 SAW 3D/The Final Chapter (2010) Review and Thoughts: 39:10 Thanks for Watching & Patreon: 42:09 First time watching SAW 3D (2010) movie reaction, SAW 3D (2010) movie reaction, First Time watching SAW 3D (2010), SAW 3D (2010) reaction, SAW 3D (2010) reaction, SAW 3D (2010), First time watching SAW 3D (2010) reaction, SAW 3D (2010) twist scene reaction, SAW 3D (2010) junk yard scene reaction, First time watching Saw 3D movie reaction, Saw 3D movie reaction, First Time watching Saw 3D, Saw 3D Reaction, First Time Watching The Saw Franchise, Saw 3D Doctor Gordon reveal Reaction, Saw The Final Chapter movie reaction, First time watching saw the final chapter, Saw The Final Chapter (2010) reaction, First time watching Saw The Final Chapter (2010), first time watching Saw 7, Saw 7 movie reaction, first time watching Saw 7 movie reaction