"Where is God When We Need Him?" — 5th Sun. of Lent, 3/26/2023
It may sometimes seem that God is silent when people are suffering. Today's homily reminds us that God is always walking with us, but are we letting the Lord help us? Jesus's answer is to enter into our earthly suffering with us, and to redeem not rescue us. Thank you Deacon Kevin Welch for visiting St. Elizabeth, and for reminding us that now is the time to partake in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. We all have a second chance to answer the Lord's call. Catholic Mass Readings for the Fifth Sunday of Lent, March 26, 2023: Eze 37: 12-14; Ps 130: 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8; Rom 8: 8-11; John 11: 1-45.