CALORIE DEFICIT Calculator For PETITE/SHORT Women (Body Recomposition Vs. Weight Loss)

CALORIE DEFICIT Calculator For PETITE/SHORT Women (Body Recomposition Vs. Weight Loss)

Calorie Deficit Calculator for Petite/Short Women (Body Recomp Vs. Weight Loss) In this video I will explain how to calculate a calorie deficit for petite women and how this differs from calculating a calorie deficit for average height women. I will define what is considered petite or short, what is a calorie deficit, the difference between weight loss and body recomposition, a calorie deficit calculator for petite women, and my top 3 tips for sustainable fat loss and muscle gain. #caloriedeficitcalculator #caloriedeficit #bodyrecomposition ************************************** 8 WEEK BEGINNER FRIENDLY GYM/HOME STRENGTH TRAINING PLANS FREE 4 WEEK HEALTHY HABIT AND BODYWEIGHT WORKOUT PROGRAM MORE INFO ABOUT MY ONLINE FITNESS AND NUTRITION COACHING PROGRAM AND ACCESS TO MY APP 1ST PHORM PROTEIN AND SUPPLEMENTS I USE ************************************** WATCH NEXT: BODY RECOMPOSITION VIDEOS PLAYLIST    • Body Recomposition Tips   HOW TO CALCULATE BMR AND TDEE FOR WEIGHT LOSS    • How To Calculate TDEE AND BMR / A MUS...   BODY RECOMPOSITION DIET | MACROS FOR FAT LOSS & MUSCLE GAIN    • BODY RECOMPOSITION Diet | Macros for ...   VOLUME EATING FOR WEIGHT LOSS    • VOLUME EATING | High Volume LOW CALOR...   MAINTENANCE CALORIES EXPLAINED    • MAINTENANCE CALORIES Calculator | Wha...   1200 CALORIE DIET / WATCH THIS BEFORE WATCHING 1200 CALORIES    • 1200 Calorie Diet | WATCH THIS Before...   IS CARDIO NEEDED IN A BODY RECOMPOSITION WORKOUT PLAN    • Is CARDIO Needed In A BODY RECOMPOSIT...   ************************************** CONNECT WITH ME: Website:​​​​ &​​​​ Instagram:   / michelleroot​​​​.  . TikTok:   / michelleroots...​   Facebook:   / michelleroots...​   Twitter:   / corecondition​​​​   Train 4 Life & Be Ready 4 Anything Michelle    • CALORIE DEFICIT Calculator For PETITE...