EP 17: WTH ?!? Dr. Alan Christianson, Metabolism Reset Diet
Are you suffering from a chronic disorder? Nature Cures offers a complimentary discovery call in which your questions will be answered and you’ll walk away from the Zoom call with a plan of action. Schedule your Discovery Session with the team here: https://www.naturecuresclinic.com/apply/ Dr. Alan Christianson is a Naturopathic Endocrinologist who focuses on Thyroid function, specifically Hashimoto’s, Hypothyroidism, and Graves’ disease. He has been actively practicing in Scottsdale since 1996 and is the founding physician behind Integrative Health. He is a NY Times bestselling author whose books include The Metabolism Reset Diet, The Adrenal Reset Diet, and the Complete Idiot’s Guide to Thyroid Disease. Dr. Christianson regularly appears on national media like Dr. Oz, The Doctors, and The Today Show. He is the founding president behind the Endocrine Association of Naturopathic Physician Facebook: / dralanchristianson Instagram: / dralanchristianson Pinterest: / alannmd YouTube: / alannmd About Dr. Greg Eckel Author, Expert in Brain Regeneration and Co-Founder of Nature Cures Clinic Dr. Gregory Eckel has spent the last 20 years developing and refining his unique approach to chronic neurological conditions. In addition to his experience in clinical practice using a combination of Naturopathic and Chinese Medicine, he has a deep personal connection with chronic neurological disease since his wife Sarieah passed of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), a condition with no known cure. As she was the love of his life, he took a deep dive into research and uncovered regenerative medicine and the development of a brain regenerative program. In loving memory of his wife, he has continued to help others with neurodegenerative diseases improve their quality of life and find natural solutions. Dr. Eckel is a highly respected international lecturer, author, and expert in integrative care for neurodegeneration. Co-Founder and owner of Nature Cures Clinic in Portland, Oregon, Dr. Eckel was also appointed by the governor of Oregon and served as the board president of the Oregon Board of Naturopathic Examiners. He has been a featured expert on ABC, CBS, NBC, and FOX television stations. Thank you for watching, and please make sure to like & subscribe!