2020 11-19 - Thursday Evening Prayer
Evening Prayer from the vicarage The 10am livestream is available on Youtube & (normally) facebook and if followed by coffee on ZOOM There is a digital plate available for gifts to support all we do to serve our community. https://tinyurl.com/digitalplate The church is open each week Sundays and Wednesdays from 9am - 4pm for private prayer AND now with services having been banned from our churches again, church will be open for private prayer when the office is open on Tuesday & Friday 9am - 3pm To replace our lunch club, we have a delivery lunch for local vulnerable, isolated and elderly people. The next lunch is Wednesday, 25th November. We plan to have this meal available to eat in once we are legally allowed. Please contact us if you, or someone you know, would benefit from this. For more information check our website www.stgeorgesfatfield.co.uk If you have any needs, prayer requests or questions, please do contact us. Support for local people We run a food bank outpost for the WCFP and can provide groceries to people in urgent need. Please contact the office. We hope to start a community cafe soon If you would like to support our Church ministry now and into the future, please do consider setting up a standing order. Details can be found at http://www.stgeorgesfatfield.co.uk/wo... https://www.stgeorgeshistoryandfuture... This is the weekly plan through zoom channel https://us04web.zoom.us/j/8836286514 You can dial in through the following numbers – you then type in the code number 883 628 6514 press # then # again on the next question then password as sent out United Kingdom +44 203 481 5240 +44 208 080 6592 Monday nights – 7.00pm – Study group Wednesday evenings 7.00pm - Prayer Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 9.30am – streamed Morning prayer Tuesday 10 am - prayer together - on Zoom Wednesday 9am-4pm - Church open for private prayer. 1pm Service of the word Thursday 7.30pm - Evening Prayer (Streamed online) Sunday 10am – streamed church from the vicarage, shown online Sunday 4pm - The Sunday Gathering - outside church building (suspended) Bring a flask of tea, a cake and meet people. there will be a few words and prayers share. If you are interested about our history and future check out https://www.stgeorgeshistoryandfuture... Church Copyright Licence 5839 Streaming Licence 823512 Music Reproduction Licence 5839 Church Video Licence 1035224 PPL Church Licence 1806240 CLA Church Licence 1153515 PRS for Music Church Licence 1153522