WD40은 자전거 체인 청소에 사용해도 된다
#WD40 #체인청소 #자전거윤활제 WD40에 대한 오해와 진실을 알려드립니다 자전거 청소시에 WD40을 체인에 사용해도 무방합니다 약간의 윤활제도 포함되어 있어 사용해도 되지만 권장하지 않습니다 가능하면 자전거 전용 오일을 사용하시기 바랍니다 WD 원문 : - BIKE FRIENDLY 항목을 참조 하시기 바랍니다 ★ 홈페이지 내용 BIKE FRIENDLY Myth: WD-40 Multi-Use Product should not be used on bike chains Fact: While WD-40 Multi-Use Product it is not a grease, it is formulated with strong lubricating oils and other ingredients, and is a terrific product to use for bike maintenance It does not attract dirt or moisture to metal surfaces – just be sure to wipe off any excess WD-40 Multi-Use Product before riding For long-term lubrication and other specialized bicycle maintenance needs, check out WD-40 Specialist BIKE products Developed specifically for cyclists and mechanics, this high-performance line of bicycle care products is sure to become a mainstay in the toolboxes of bike mechanics for decades