The Walking Dead: The Final Chapter Episode 3  Broken Toys All Achievements w/ timestamps

The Walking Dead: The Final Chapter Episode 3 Broken Toys All Achievements w/ timestamps

The Walking Dead: The Final Chapter Episode 3 Broken Toys On Xbox One X All achievements with timestamps shown #brokentoys #thewalkingdeadthefinalchapter #gamingwithred Full Walkthrough (No Commentary) All Achievements found w/ Timestamps. there are 6 collectibles and there are 2 achievements one for collecting them all and then in act 2 you have to place all of them for the 2nd ach. *NOTE ------ There is 1 achievement Like a mouse that is highly missable and has a few steps and must be started in act 1 and it unlocks in act 3. ACT 1 - Collectible 1 School Pennant Flag 00:05:15 Collectible 2 Etch A Sketch 00: 05:40 ACHIEVEMENT: Best Girl 00:05:57 ACHIEVEMENT: As A Mouse (Part 1 of 2) 00:06:20 starts ach *NOTE Pay attention while interrogating and choose any option you want that does not harm him fully, allow him to drink water, allow him to smoke and when you get to the option where he asks you to kill him before he turns choose the left option and let him sweat it out. once this is done correctly he will tell you the map is in his boot...if he says its in his pocket you did it wrong and the ach will not unlock. now you will have to wait till the middle of act 3 to get the achievement which when the guard hears you you will choose the correct password and then the ach will pop. Collectible #3 Horse Shoe 00:18:30 From the start turn around and look on the ground next to the log and pick it up. Collectible 4 - Rabbits Foot (00:19:05) behind Willy on the right side of him on the ground. ACHIEVEMENT : All Seeing (00:19:25) Starts here no matter who you speak with first make sure you fight and spot everything and dont back out if each binocular section or you will miss the achievement and have to replay the entire episode. ACHIEVEMENT: Mercy (00:35:35) Do not kill ANY of the zombies ONLY press B/ Also you may die a few times and make sure if you are grabbed let them kill you and try again. ALSO at the end make sure to not press y when pushing the cart or you will miss the ach. NOTE: DO NOT TALK TO JAMES UNTIL YOU FIND THE COLLECTIBLES AND GET THE SALT LICK ACH as there is no turning back and you will have to replay the chapter ACHIEVEMENT: Did you lick it? (00:39:25 ) choose the option lick it on the right side and then pop achievements all yours yum! Collectible 5: Windchimes (00:40:05) to the right of salt lick on the side of the building Collectible 6: Beat Nick toy (00:41:00) to the left of james on the ground in the stall. ACHIEVEMENT: Hunter (00:41:18) ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED FOUND ALL COLLECTIBLES (00:41:18) ACHIEVEMENT: Whispers (0051:00) Complete Act 1 ACT 2 NOT: DO NOT SPEAK TO AJ OR PICK UP THE LANTERN. PLACE ALL 6 ITEMS AND ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKS ACHIEVEMENT: Feels Like Home (00:54:20) place all 6 items windchime is in ceiling ACHIEVEMENT: Nightlight (1:17:17) pick things any order and at the end they will play the piano or sing depending on your choices and at the end it will pop. ACHIEVEMENT: Shoreline (1:38:00) Complete Act 2 ACT 3 (1:38:00) ACHIEVEMENT: Personal Space (1:37:45) kill all zombies without being touched, you can miss shots just if you are jit let them kill you and re try ACHIEVEMENT: As A Mouse Part 2 (1:39:22) choose dialogue Rockingham bottom option ACHIEVEMENT: Tally (1:45:30) when you regain control look at the wall ACHIEVEMENT: Leader (2:04:15) Complete Act 3 Developers: Telltale Games · Skybound Games Publishers: Telltale Games · Skybound Games Genre: Graphic adventure Platforms: Microsoft Windows · Xbox One · PlayStation 4 · Nintendo Switch ~-~~-~~~-~~-~ Please watch: "The Walking Dead: The Final Chapter Episode 4: Take Us Home ACT 1 (PART1) On Xbox One X"    • The Walking Dead: The Final Chapter  ...   ~-~~-~~~-~~-~