THE LAST OF US Part 3: Leaks, Plot Theories And What To Expect

THE LAST OF US Part 3: Leaks, Plot Theories And What To Expect

THE LAST OF US Part 3: Leaks, Plot Theories And What To Expect. We breakdown the leaks for The Last Of Us part 3 and give our theories on where the story could be heading in the future. This contains major last of us part 2 spoilers that talk about Abby and Ellie's fate. #TheLastOfUs #TheLastOfUsPart3 #TLOU #TLOUPart3 #TheLastOfUsEpisode9 #EndingExplained #Episode9 #TrailerBreakdown #TheLastOfUsBreakdown #endingexplained #TLOUEpisode9 #TheLastOfUsEndingExplained #EpisodeBreakdown #HBO #EasterEggs #LastOfUs #Theories #tlou #Joel #Ellie #Clickers #Sarah #Bill #Frank #Kathleen #henrysam #David #troybaker #ashleyjohnson If you enjoyed this video then please subscribe to the channel    / @heavyspoilers   If You Want To Help Support The Channel So I Can Make More Videos Like This Please Donate Here:    / @heavyspoilers   Check out our #shorts channel here HEAVY SPOILERS CLIPS -    / @heavyspoilersclips8820   Check out our website at Get some awesome Heavy Spoilers show clothes, phonecases and accessories at - Check out our BEST new videos below Shazam Fury Of The Gods Post Credits Scene Breakdown -    • THE LAST OF US Season 2: Full Ellie S...   Mandalorian Season 3 Episode 3 -    • THE MANDALORIAN Season 3 Episode 3 Br...   Scream 6 Ending Explained -    • SCREAM 6 Ending Explained | Plot Brea...   Scream Breakdown -    • SCREAM (1996) Breakdown | Easter Eggs...   The Last Of Us Episode 9 Breakdown -    • THE LAST OF US Episode 9 Breakdown & ...   Creed 3 Ending Explained -    • CREED III Ending Explained | Plot Bre...   Check out our best Shorts videos Ant-Man And The Wasp Quantumania Post Credits Scenes -    • Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania Leak...   The Menu Hidden Twist -    • Did You Notice The Hidden Twist In Th...   Troll Ending Explained -    • TROLL Netflix Ending Explained | Post...   /* ---- SOCIAL MEDIA ---- */ Follow Us On Social Media At: Website - TikTok - Twitter -   / heavyspoilers   Instagram -   / heavyspoilers   Facebook -   / deffinitionmc   Follow our team at - Host Paul -   / heavyspoilers   Host Jared -   / jaredbuckendahl   Editor Steesh -   / steeshhaggie   Editor Matt -   / superheronexus   /* ---- VIDEO INFORMATION ---- */ Welcome to the Heavy Spoilers show. I'm your host Paul, aka the guy who always gets a Joel in one, and in this video, we're breaking down everything we think could be happening with The Last of Us, Part 3. The game is yet to be announced, but there are leaks and rumours out there, and throughout this video, we're going to be breaking down everything that we think could be happening in the title. Full spoilers ahead, including the ending of Part 2, so if you haven't played that, then I highly recommend that you turn off now. Please hit the thumbs up button if you enjoy the video, and make sure you subscribe for more Last of Us videos on the show and game. With that out of the way, a huge thank you for clicking this, now let's get into The Last Of Us Part 3. How Does The Last Of Us Part 2 End? Now Part 2 actually contains some clues about where things could be going. At the end of the game, we follow Abby and Lev as they make their way on their own away from Seattle. The pair are looking for fireflies, and we discover that after the events of Part 1, they pretty much disbanded. Ellie actually came across some graffiti at one point, calling them liars, and we learn that Abby ended up having to join the WLF because they'd fallen apart. However, rumours had arisen once more that they were out there, and we joined the pair as they came across an abandoned firefly outpost packed with supplies and a radio. After speaking into it, they heard back from one of their members, and we got this scene. Now, upon leaving this house, rattlers arrive and capture both of them. Because of this, many have suspected that the radio call was just a trap and that they were finding out where they were so that they could take them in. The Rattlers are slavers, and though we don't know exactly what happened with the pair, they got really messed up. Music By - PSiMiTAR ► Youtube Subscribe - ► Instrumentals -    • [NO COPYRIGHT MUSIC] STEESH - The Fee...   ► Twitter -   / steeshhaggie   ► Instagram -   / steeshhaggie