THE LAST OF US Part II - "Downtown" (100% Collectible Location Guide #06)
In this chapter 9 "Downtown" there are: Artifacts: 18/18 Trading Cards 5/5 Journal Entries: 2/2 Supplements: 12/12 Parts: 32/32 Training Manuals: 1/1 Workbenches: 1/1 Gun Holsters: 1/1 Weapons: 6/6 Safes: 3/3 This is the biggest chapter in the game! TIMESTAMPS FOR ITEMS IN CHAPTER 9 "Downtown": ARTIFACT 1 "FEDRA Census Document": 00:01 ARTIFACT 2 "Bank Heist Plans": 00:48 SAFE 1: 02:20 (Code is 60-23-06) WEAPON 1 "Shotgun": 03:16 (inside SAFE 1) - counts toward High Caliber Trophy ARTIFACT 3 "Bank Robber Letter": 03:31 (inside SAFE 1) ARTIFACT 4 "Antique Ring": 03:50 (inside SAFE 1) Finding Artifact 4 grants the "So Great and Small" Trophy ARTIFACT 5 "Cache Hunter Note": 04:28 ARTIFACT 6 "Letter from Isaac": 05:06 TRADING CARD 1 "Doctor Uckmann" /PARTS 1 & 2/SUPPLEMENTS 1: 05:47 WEAPON 2 "Hatchet": 07:44 (not counted towards "High Caliber" trophy) TRAINING MANUAL 1 "Crafting Training Manual"/SUPPLEMENTS 2/PARTS 3 & 4: 09:08 ARTIFACT 7 "Note to Informant"/PARTS 5 & 6/: 10:24 ARTIFACT 8 "WLF Community Supply Chest Note"/SUPPLEMENTS 3: 11:47 ARTIFACT 9 "Street Drawing": 13:13 JOURNAL ENTRY 1 (interact prompt appears after obtaining ARTIFACT 9): 14:10 WORKBENCH: 14:38 PARTS 7-10: 14:56 SAFE 2 (Code is 04-51): 15:21 PARTS 11/SUPPLEMENTS 4/TRADING CARD 2 "Flo": 16:01 ARTIFACT 10 "WLF Safe House Supply Note"/PARTS 12 & 13: 16:32 TRADING CARD 3 "Big Blue": 12:37 (near ARTIFACT 10) SUPPLEMENTS 5 & 6: 18:14 ARTIFACT 11 "Pet Store Key": 18:27 (required to get ARTIFACT 12) PARTS 14: 19:22 TRADING CARD 4 "Das Wort": 19:53 PARTS 15-18: 20:52 ARTIFACT 12 "Join WLF Note"/SUPPLEMENTS 7 & 8: 21:40 (use ARTIFACT 11 to open door) GUN HOLSTER & WEAPON 3 "Stun Bomb": 22:45 (near ARTIFACT 12) - counts toward High Caliber Trophy ARTIFACT 13 "Emergency Protocols": 23:47 PARTS 20-24: 24:28 (ground floor of Synagogue) PARTS 25: 25:18 (top floor of Synagogue after climbing up) JOURNAL ENTRY 2: 25:44 (top floor of Synagogue, in office, read Calender then speak to Dina) ARTIFACT 14 "Rabbi Sauder's Letter" & SUPPLEMENTS 9: 27:11 (same room as JOURNAL ENTRY 2) SUPPLEMENTS 10: 27:37 PARTS 26: 28:35 ARTIFACT 16 "Plea to a Friend": 29:19 WEAPON 4 "Machete" & ARTIFACT 16 "Lt. Torres' Final Memorandum": 29:40 (machete not counted towards "High Caliber" trophy) ARTIFACT 17 "List of Known WLF Agitators" & PARTS 27: 30:36 (left of ARTIFACT 16) SAFE 3 (Combo: 86-07-22): 31:01 (same room as ARTIFACT 16 & 17) PARTS 28 & SUPPLEMENTS 11: 31:40 (inside SAFE 3) PARTS 29: 32:00 WEAPON 5 "Lead Pipe": 32:24 (not counted towards "High Caliber" trophy) PARTS 30-32: 33:08 (left of WEAPON 5) SUPPLEMENTS 12: 33:32 ARTIFACT 18 "WLF Recruiter Journal": 33:51 TRADING CARD 5 "Know It All": 34:04 (directly behind ARTIFACT 18) WEAPON 6 "Hammer": 34:25 (not counted towards "High Caliber" trophy) THE LAST OF US 2 "100% Item Guide" is organized by game chapter. Each guide will show you how to find all items in the chapter, including: All Artifacts All Trading Cards All Journals All Training Manuals All Coins All Parts All Supplements All Safe Codes All Workbenches FULL PLAYLIST FOR ALL CHAPTERS HERE: • THE LAST OF US PART II 100% Collectib... Note: The guide doesn't include all health and ammo. That would be going overboard and make these videos way too long. If you're concerned about that, just repeatedly scan wherever you go. These items are everywhere.