The Feast Day of St. Anne (and Grandmother Ruth Sparenberg) Wednesday - July 26, 2023
THE FEAST DAY OF ST. ANNE (WEDNESDAY - JULY 26, 2023), HELD AT CHURCH AND SHRINE OF ST. ANNE (ST. ANNE, IL) With the assistance of the parishioners from the National Shrine of St. Anne, Fr. Pete Jankowski offers this Liturgy on the Feast Day of St. Joachim & Anne. Fr. Pete celebrates this Mass inside St. Anne's Church and Shrine (St. Anne, IL 60964) on behalf of those who are not able to attend the Novena celebrations at the parish. This year's 2023 Novena and Feast Day will focus on TEN GRANDMOTHERS who have followed the charism similar to St. Anne and who shared the love of family and faith with their children and grandchildren. On this Feast Day of St. Anne, we focus on Nonagenarian Ruth Sparenberg, one of the brightest lights in the sea of stars. Ruth's quiet and loving demeanor serves as a model for anyone wishing to live a Christian vocation. Much thanks to all ten grandmothers who were the focus of these homilies - Fr. Pete has benefitted from their respective examples of faith and we pray that you do as well!!! CHECK OUT THE ST. ANNE WEB PAGE FOR ALL INFORMATION CONCERNING THE ST. ANNE NOVENA FROM JULY 17-25 [WITH THE FEAST DAY ON JULY 26 - WEATHER PERMITTING, MASSES WILL TAKE PLACE AT 10:00 AM IN ENGLISH, 12:00 NOON WITH A SUNG MASS IN LATIN (INDOORS) and 2:00 PM IN SPANISH (INDOORS). Each Mass will be followed by the Veneration and Procession of the St. Anne Relic and the Anointing of the Sick. Children's Activities at 11:00 a.m. Food Trucks will be available after 11:00 a.m. Religious Items and Votive Candles for Sale. To view Fr. Pete’s twelve-part series “Stories on the Journey” (from Shalom World TV) or to purchase Fr. Pete’s homily series of the same name, feel free to visit www.stpatrickmomence.org. Please continue to support our local parishes – we need your support to continue spreading God’s mercy during these difficult times. To support the mission of St. Patrick's Church, please contact us at (815) 472-2864 or write us at 119 North Market Street - Momence, IL 60954. You can also access the parish website at www.stpatrickmomence.org and click on the "Online Giving" link, following the directions on your computer screen To support the mission of the National Shrine of St. Anne, please contact us at (815) 427-8265 or write us at 230 N 6th Ave - St. Anne, IL 60964. You can also access the parish website at www.stannestanne.org and click on the "Online Giving" link, following the directions on your computer screen.