김유경1st싱글앨범 성자의귀한몸 & 내 주를 가까이 하게 함은 Something for Thee & Nearer, my God, to Thee

김유경1st싱글앨범 성자의귀한몸 & 내 주를 가까이 하게 함은 Something for Thee & Nearer, my God, to Thee

많은 분들이 그렇듯이 코로나19로 인해 반실직 상태로 보내던 중, 하나님의 은혜로 오카리나 찬양 싱글 앨범을 내게 되었습니다. 각자의 자리에서 각자의 은사대로 하나님을 찬양하고 영광돌리는 지체들처럼 저도 섬김는 마음으로 음반을 준비했습니다. 하나님께서 홀로 영광받으시기를 바랍니다. 앨범소개글 I hope worship Lord by life. And I hope my life becomes a worship. This album [Ocarina Hymns with Piano] is an ocarina hymn album with piano melody. I want tell you. I had a small wish in my mind while preparing for this album in the covid19 Pandemic. I hoped that it would be a small consolation to you and me who have met (or will meet) hardships. I prayed and prayed. May I be able to think of the Lord's grace, thinking of the hymns that pass by. The world is in troubled, but I praise the love of the cross that has been poured on me and you, and I pray for you to go further to the Lord today. [Credit] Executive Producer 김유경 Producer 김유경,염평안 Arrange 김은주 Ocarina 김유경 Piano 김은주 Recording Engineer 서정혁 AK Music Mixing& Mastering Engineer 정상원 @오늘사운드 Art Direction & Design 김석범 DESIGN ENTS [Credit] Executive Producer Kim You-kyung Producer Kim You-kyung, Yum PyungAhn Arrange Kim Eun Joo Ocarina Kim You-kyung Piano Kim Eun Joo Recording Engineer Seo Jung-hyuk AK Music Mixing & Mastering Engineer Normal source @Today'sound Art Direction & Design Kim Seok-beom DESIGN ENTS Melon: https://www.melon.com/album/detail.ht... Genie: https://www.genie.co.kr/detail/albumI... Bugs: https://music.bugs.co.kr/album/203527... Soribada: https://www.soribada.com/music/album/... Naver Music: https://music.naver.com/album/index.n... FLO: https://www.music-flo.com/detail/albu... VIBE: https://vibe.naver.com/album/5017040 갓피플: https://music.godpeople.com/?ABMno=14837 CCM.CO.KR: http://ccm.co.kr/album/115086 #오카리나김유경 #피아노김은주 #Something_for_Thee #Nearer_my_God_to_Thee #성자의_귀한_몸 #내_주를_가까이_하게_함은 #오카리나찬송 #새찬송가216장 #새찬송가338장 #크레센도오카리나 #크레센도오카리나앨범 #새벽찬송 #묵상찬양 #praise #hymn #ocarina_hymns_with_piano #힐링음악 #찬양연주 #오카리나연주 #ocarina #kalimba #youkyungkim #赞美 #赞美歌