AP Biology LiveStream Review: FRQ Strategies
This AP Biology live stream review session is not affiliated with the review sessions being hosted on the Advanced Placement YouTube channel. Link to Presentation Slides: https://bit.ly/APBioFRQStrategies AP Biology Science Practices: https://bit.ly/2Rr2hGf This online review will provide you with strategies for answering free-response questions. I'll discuss the task verbs associated with answering FRQ types 1 and 4 (the question types you'll see on this year's exam) and tell you what AP readers are looking for in your writing. I'll also walk you through a couple of sample questions patterned after the question types you'll see on this year's exam and we'll break each question down. The entire schedule of 2020 AP Bio YouTube Review Sessions: https://bit.ly/3APBioReviews Question Submission Form (It’s already too late to submit questions for this session, but why not use the form for future sessions): https://forms.gle/gkWBpB5rvYDviZkE9 Also check out Project Albatross for live lessons and other online learning tools related to AP Biology: http://bit.ly/projectalbatross