Can an ultrasound be wrong about no heartbeat?

Can an ultrasound be wrong about no heartbeat?

00:00 - Can an ultrasound be wrong about no heartbeat? 00:38 - What does no heartbeat at 8 weeks mean? 01:05 - Is no heartbeat at 6 weeks normal? 01:35 - Why did my fetus heart stop beating? 02:04 - How long can a dead fetus stay in the womb? 02:35 - Can an ultrasound be wrong about no heartbeat at 12 weeks? 03:03 - What causes no heartbeat at 8 weeks? Laura S. Harris (2021, September 15.) Can an ultrasound be wrong about no heartbeat? ---------- Our mission is informing people correctly. This video was also made on the basis of these guidelines. In order to fully present the topic, it may be necessary in some cases to include details that may be objectionable to some.