Novakast [Episode 235]: In Harm's Way ('The Walking Dead' Simulcast | S2E3)

Novakast [Episode 235]: In Harm's Way ('The Walking Dead' Simulcast | S2E3)

[NOTE FROM MJ: Actual gameplay begins around 11:00 in.] •Support Our Streams: Hello, everyone. We are Novakast and here to play some video games, discuss videos, films, news, creepypastas, etc. The sky's the limit! [DISCLAIMER: Some of our content varies per video and may not be suitable for younger audiences. Viewer discretion is advised. Also, in some content we are critical of the video games, books, music, videos and other creators on the platform. While we are a group-owned channel, our opinions expressed are solely our own and may not always reflect the opinions of those associated with this channel. We at Novakast DO NOT CONDONE any and all harassment (e.g., cyberbullying, doxing, swatting) towards any of the people that we may be critical towards.] •Your Weekend Livestream/Simulcast Hosts: Rob: •@NovakastYT [YouTube] •@Rob_NovakastYT [Twitter] •@Novakast [TikTok] MJ: •Professor_MJ [Twitch] •@ProfessorMJ_ [Twitter] Aden: •@Phayn [YouTube] •PhaynIngmar [Twitch] •@PhaynIngmar [Twitter] •Join us for our weekend livestreams, which takes place every Friday and Saturday evenings, beginning around 9:30 PM Pacific Time on both YouTube and MJ's Twitch channel! If you happen to miss a stream, all simulcast VODs will be archived and viewable on this channel and placed in its appropriate playlist (generally by game title). •Other Friends Associated with the Novakast Channel: Sage: •Sage_The_Plant_Boi [Twitch] •@DeathTheSage [Twitter] Magi: •@DeadByDream's [YouTube] •Magikarpgosplash [Twitch] •@MagikarpgoSP [Twitter] Ronnie: •@Casino Cell01 [YouTube] •CasinoCell001 [Twitch] •@CCell01 [Twitter] •Want to send any fan art but don't have social media? You can send them to our business e-mail: [email protected]. •Intro/Outro Song: IZECOLD - Close (feat. Molly Ann) [Brooks Remix] | NCS x FHM Release ( - - FAIR USE NOTICE & DISCLAIMER - - - This video contains Copyright material; the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Depending on the video, we are making such material available for the purpose of (but not limited to): Let's Plays, criticism, commentary, news reporting, etc. This falls under "fair use" of any such copyrighted material as provided. In Section 107 of the United States Copyright Law -- notwithstanding the Provisions of sections 106 and 106A -- the fair use of a copyrighted work for purposes such as Let's Plays, criticism, commentary, review, and reporting is not an infringement of copyright.