65-UL New | JUDE KJV | Audio and Text R | by Alexander Scourby | God is Love and Truth.
JUDE ( KJV) AUDIO and TEXT.) HEAR Alexander Scourby's incomparable reading of the King James Bible from Genesis to Revelation, VERSE by VERSE, with audio and text, SYNCED TOGETHER. The Chicago Tribune wrote that “ALEXANDER SCOURBY has the Greatest Voice ever recorded”, now you can HEAR that voice read the King James Bible like no other, FREE on YouTube 24/7, and SHARE IT with OTHERS. YouTube Playlist of Entire KJV Bible, Genesis to Revelations...SHARE IT WITH OTHERS. • NEW UL KJV Bible Playlist-by Alexande... NEW: Alexander Scourby reads the APOCRYPHA. Some have been critical of its publishing and those who are, can continue to hear the 66 books from Genesis to Revelation read by Alexander Scourby. Below is the APOCRYPHA Playlist, Keep soon all the books of the Apocrypha will be in the playlist. • No 5. THE APOCRYPHA PLAYLIST-15 Missi... Experience the POWER of TRUTH in the King James Bible in the “HEARING of God’s Word read by Alexander Scourby. Click the Playlist link below to HEAR the Entire KJV Bible with AUDIO and TEXT on YouTube, read by the Greatest Voice Ever Recorded, according to the Chicago Tribune,. Save it for instant access anytime and anywhere 24/7, and share it with others. We are doing a new Playlist of the missing books of the APOCRYPHA. Below is a playlist of the entire KJV Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and the other is the new Playlist of the APOCRYPHA by Alexander Scourby. Check them out on our YouTube Channel A suggestion for you, keep listening to the Bible recordings of THY WORD as much as you can, and take the truth of THY WORD within, and know the truth. Not only will the truth make you free, it will also protect you from being deceived. GOD is LOVE and TRUTH. KEY VERSES that Speak to us. 1. THY WORD is Lamp unto MY FEET and a Light unto MY PATH.” Psalm 119:105. 2. Faith cometh by hearing and HEARING by the word of God.” Roman 10:17. 3. Blessed are they that HEAR the WORD of GOD and KEEP it.” Luke11:28 4. Blessed is he that READETH, and they that HEAR the words of this PROPHECY, and KEEP those things WRITTEN therein: for the TIME IS AT HAND”. Rev. 1:3 5. This is my commandment, that ye love one another, John 15:12. 6. God is a Spirit: and they must worship him in spirit and in truth. John 4:24 7. And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32 Jesus' Prophetic Words in Mark 16:15 "And he said unto THEM, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Today, WE are the "NEW THEM". So WHY NOT use this NEW technology to SHARE THY WORD to every CREATURE in your community? IMAGINE the result if millions used the POWER of this SHARING technology in their communities in the fulfillment of JESUS' PROPHECY? It can be done in the comfort of our homes, or anywhere we are, with a TAP and a SHARE. Don’t you find that AMAZING? Would Jesus ask us to do the impossible? Of course not! Here's another AMAZING fact in closing. According to YOUTUBE statistics, every day, the Scourby Bible readings of the King James Bible, are being heard in every COUNTRY in the WORLD. We commend YouTube for creating this God-inspired platform, with share icons on each video, enabling easy SHARING. So WHY NOT, use this AMAZING technology and start SHARING the HEARING of the GOSPEL with all? "Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, in truth and love." 2 John 1:3 Scourby YouBible Channel © 1991 Litchfield Associates | All rights reserved | Duplication Prohibited. Personal copy of the Bible Reading can be downloaded on https://YouBible.NET. The Scourby YouBible App is available on our website for iPhone and Android users.