Can you take pregnancy test same day as unprotected sex?
If you had unprotected sex and you don’t want to become pregnant, you can take emergency contraception also often referred to as the morning-after pill. With emergency contraception on the other hand—the sooner you are able to take emergency contraception after having sex, the more likely it is to be able to work. Emergency contraception is best taken as soon as possible—eg the same or next day— and not considered effective if taken later than 5 days after intercourse. It’s best to use a primary form of contraception such as condoms, birth control pills, or an iud etc if you’re sexually active and do not wish to get pregnant— emergency contraceptives are less effective at preventing pregnancy than a primary method of contraception —so it’s advisable to use a primary method of contraception rather than relying on emergency contraception — emergency contraception is best left for emergencies such as when a primary method fails or for whatever reason was not in place. As always, this is intended as useful information, not medical advice. Be sure to consult your doctor about your own specific circumstances 💝 #pregnancy #contraception #pregnancytest #askmeanything