American Pie 2 - Golden Shower | Best of Reaction

American Pie 2 - Golden Shower | Best of Reaction

First Time watching of "American Pie 2" Best of Reaction Compilation More Movie Reactions:    • Best of Movie Reaction   Here's an epic Reaction Compilation featuring the funniest, most embarrassing scene in American Pie 2, The Golden Shower scene. If any creator or movie reactor would like their content removed from our video, please reach out to us at [email protected], and we will promptly take it down. Thank you! This Video Contains Reaction, Commentary, Review & Insights Video Credit goes to these channels, please make sure to subscribe to these channels for full reaction videos: Intro 00:00 00:03 CineBinge:    / @cinebingereact   01:11 Mary Cherry:    / marycherryofficial   02:33 Reelin' with Asia and BJ:    / @reelinwithasiaandbj   03:37 ItsAPrimate:    / @itsaprimatee   04:30 Shanelle Riccio:    / @shanellericcio   05:12 OctoKrool:    / @octokrool   06:36 Sofa and Chill:    / @sofaandchill   07:38 Reel Rejects:    / @reelrejects   #americanpie #moviereaction #reactioncompilation