Holy Eucharist, Rite Two Live Stream   for  September 24, 2023  9am MST

Holy Eucharist, Rite Two Live Stream for September 24, 2023 9am MST

The Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost This will be a Live Stream of the Holy Eucharist Rite Two Service at St. Francis in the Valley Episcopal Church in Green Valley, Arizona. We are both live streaming this service on You Tube and presenting it on Facebook as a recording with links from the St. Francis website. A recorded version will remain on You Tube and can be viewed later. In this way our church members may participate in a familiar worship environment in the safety and privacy of their own homes if they wish. If our broadcast/recording of our services is helpfull to you, please give us a thunbs Up and consider Subscribing, if you haven't already done so. Celebrant: The Very Rev. Dr. Warren Leibovitch Sermon: The Very Rev. Dr. Warren Leibovitch Lector: Gary LaBarre Prayers of the People: Susan Davis Acolyte: Norma Pool Crucifer:David Dunn Organist: Sophia Witte Sound: Chris Arundell Video: George Grove Media used in this video are covered by CCLI copyright # 21137362 and OneLicense # A-715475. Streaming under CCLI copyright #21137378. Our website: https://www.stfrancisgvaz.org/ Online giving: https://www.stfrancisgvaz.org/online-... Book Marks Begin. 0:00 Greeting and Announcements 5:21 Gospel 26:29 Sermon 29:20 Peace. 53:56