Grammar Class Chapter 13: 고 싶다 & ㄹ까요

Grammar Class Chapter 13: 고 싶다 & ㄹ까요

"EPS Topik Grammar 고 싶다 & ㄹ까요" is a video that focuses on two important grammar points in the Korean language: "고 싶다" and "ㄹ까요." The video provides a detailed explanation and examples of how to use these grammar structures correctly. The grammar point "고 싶다" is used to express one's desire or wish to do something. It is commonly used when talking about things you want to do or experience. The video explains the different ways to conjugate and use "고 싶다" in sentences. On the other hand, "ㄹ까요" is a grammar structure used to express uncertainty or to ask for opinions or suggestions. It is often used when asking for someone's opinion on a particular action or decision. The video explains how to use "ㄹ까요" in both declarative and interrogative sentences. Overall, this video offers a comprehensive and practical guide to understanding and using "고 싶다" and "ㄹ까요" in Korean grammar. Whether you are a beginner or an intermediate learner, this video will help improve your understanding and usage of these important grammar structures.