Top 5 Plants for Early Spring Color | NatureHills.com
Hey everyone it’s Whitney from NatureHills.com. Do you ever wonder how your neighbors continue to have more spring color than you? If you just shouted out “yes”, you’ve come to the right place! I’m here to spill all their gardening secrets so you can have early spring color too. I’m gonna be honest: It was hard to choose but I’ve managed to gather a short list of the best plants to add to your landscape if you want blooms before anybody else. #5 Viburnums Viburnums flower in spring but they offer so much more with fall color and berries to attract the wildlife. The Korean Spice Viburnum is a fan favorite, and rightfully so with its incredibly fragrant scent, light pink spring blooms and easy-to-care-for nature. Another worth mentioning is Burkwood Viburnum with its display of creamy-white flowers. Densely branched and extremely durable, Burkwood performs excellently as a privacy hedge. #5 Viburnums - Growing zones 4-8, blooms and berries are pollinator-friendly, and is a multi-season interest plant. #4 Amelanchiers Amelanchier, or more commonly known as “Serviceberries”, are the perfect shrubby tree to jump-start the spring season. The native and ever-popular Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry produces delicate, fine-textured clusters of white blooms that cloak its branches in early spring. Serviceberries offer four seasons of “hello beauty” with spring flowers that give way to rich purple summertime berries, which birds will love. #4 Amelanchiers - Growing zones 3-8, a native shrub that produces edible, wildlife-friendly fruit and gorgeous spring and fall foliage. #3 Rhododendrons Take care when selecting Rhododendrons because some will work for most growing zones and others won’t. With flowers that boast varying shades of pink, yellow, purple, orange, and white, there is an option for every landscape! I’m a big fan of Honey Butter Rhododendron with its bright orange and seashell pink blooms that are sure to transform your yard into a tropical oasis. #3 Rhododendrons - Growing zones are mostly 5-9, overflowing with early spring blooms, and they come in an assortment of colors. #2 Flowering Quince The intense orange or red foliage of the stunning Flowering Quince reveals itself in early spring, often being one of the very first plants to flower. Blooms may begin as early as January in the South, early February in the West, and March or April as you go north. Try Proven Winners® Color Choice® Double Take™ Scarlet Quince for long-lasting and deep scarlet foliage. #2 Flowering Quince - Growing zones 5-9, drought tolerant, early-spring bloomer. #1 Forsythia I mean talk about a true harbinger of spring, Forsythia! One of the earliest to bloom and a surefire visual treat after a dreary winter. Some varieties, such as the Sunrise Forsythia, will jump-start the spring season with vivid yellow blooms starting in late winter. Enjoy reliable flower power year after year when you choose any Forsythia variety from NatureHills.com. #1 Forsythia - Mainly growing zones 5-8, easy care, brilliant yellow flowers in early spring. Now that you know OUR top 5 flowering varieties for early spring color, what are some of yours? Let me know in the comment section below. Plant care info can be found on each plant's product page or on our #ProPlantTips blog. As always, if you like our content, please like and subscribe to our videos. For more plant info and inspiration, check out our Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter pages Until next time, happy planting!