30 MIN FULL BODY PILATES - Using the Small Ball | Beginner Friendly
Hello, Welcome to todays class! This is a Full Body, Beginner workout using the Small Pilates Ball. This class works through the entire body and is a great choice if you are looking for an 'all rounder' class. All the movements are done at a controlled pace and are low impact, ensuring joints and backs are protected. Using the Small Ball really spices up any Pilates workout, adding a little extra burn and resistance. In fact, the Small Ball when used during the Abdominal series, more effectively works the abdominal muscles whilst helping to keep the back muscles switched off! If you do not have a Small Pilates Ball and are looking to purchase one, you can now purchase the same one that I use directly through me. Send me a message if you would like to purchase! Class breakdown: Gentle Warm Up Stretch : 2.5 minutes This class starts spending a couple of minutes gently warming up the body with some light stretching. Spinal Positions & T-Zone Activation: 1 minute The next minute is spent finding our T-Zone connection. A moment to find your focus, connect with your breathe and activate the Pelvic Floor & Deep Abdominals. Centering is one of the key principles of the Pilates method. Starting class with a T-Zone activation helps to improve posture, prevent injury and also provides a stable base for the rest of the body to work from and produce strong movement. Core & Glute Warm Up: 14 minutes Next we start to warm up and work through the abdominals and the glutes, with the exercises gradually increasing in difficulty. The Small Ball is utilized as we go, to really encourage activation of the deep Core muscles and Obliques. Glute Series: 6 minutes Working the glutes a little harder now we move to all fours for a series of exercises targeting the glutes and the hamstrings. Keeping the ball tucked behind one knee really works the muscles hard and adds an extra challenge to the exercises. Upper Body: 6 minutes Last but not least we lay down on our front and work the arms and upper back. Finishing the series with a plank hold! Gentle Stretch: 2 minutes And to finish a gentle stretch over the ball. This workout pairs well with my playlist SOFT PILATES BANGERS on Spotify if you would like some background music as you move. Find me on Spotify @PILATESWITHJAYDE Thank you for joining me & enjoy the class. Jayde x DISCLAIMER It is advised that you consult a health care professional before starting this workout. If you feel pain during the workout, you should stop. By doing these exercises and following this video, you understand that Pilates With Jayde will not be held responsible for any injury or loss you may suffer as a result of this workout video.