NIV, Matthew(마태복음) 8:14-17, 예수께서 많은 사람들을 고치시다, Jesus Heals Many , 영어성경직독직해공부방

NIV, Matthew(마태복음) 8:14-17, 예수께서 많은 사람들을 고치시다, Jesus Heals Many , 영어성경직독직해공부방

예수께서는 우리의 질병을 치유해 주는 분이십니다 ★★ 무엇이든지 백번을 반복하면 당신의 무기가 됩니다★★ [ Good News TV English / 영어성경 직독직해 공부방 ] ◇ 본문내용보기 : ◇ The Bible English , NIV 2011 (New International Version) ◇ 보고 듣기만 해도 어순 감각이 저절로 익혀지는 영어성경 직독직해 Jesus Heals Many 예수께서 많은 사람들을 고치시다 14 When Jesus came / into Peter’s house, he saw / Peter’s mother-in-law lying in bed / with a fever 15 He touched / her hand and the fever left her, and she got up and began / to wait on him 16 When evening came, many / who were demon-possessed were brought / to him, and he drove out / the spirits with a word and healed / all the sick 17 This was to fulfill / what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah: “He took up / our infirmities and bore / our diseases ”