Happy Halloween | Steve and Maggie Halloween songs For kids - Kuku and Cucudu  #shorts #halloween

Happy Halloween | Steve and Maggie Halloween songs For kids - Kuku and Cucudu #shorts #halloween

Happy Halloween song | Steve and Maggie Halloween songs For kids - Kuku and Cucudu #shorts #halloween Subscribe and watch new videos https://tinyurl.com/ssvk8x7w Watch complete Halloween songs playlist https://tinyurl.com/tz4ub9e2 Here is another Halloween Monster songs for babies by Kuku and Cucudu. Children songs on Halloween by Kuku and Cucudu. Happy Halloween Lyrics What's that sound? I am a little bit scared … are you? Oh look its the pumpkin.. How many pumpkins can you see? One little, two little, three little pumpkins, Four little, five little, six little pumpkins, Seven little, eight little, nine little pumpkins, Singing Happy Halloween Friends.. Be with me. I am bit scared.. But lets move forward.. Whats that ? see its a Vampire.. How many vampires can you see? One little, two little, three little Vampires, Four little, five little, six little Vampires, Seven little, eight little, nine little Vampires, Singing Happy Hal-lo-ween Its getting a bit scary.. But lets move forward… Now whats that? Look.. Its a Witch.. How many witches are there? One little, two little, three little Witches, Four little, five little, six little Witches, Seven little, eight little, nine little Witches, Singing Happy Hal-lo-ween Whats that sound? Can you hear? Lookkk… Its a ghost… How many ghosts can you see One little, two little, three little Ghosts, Four little, five little, six little Ghosts, Seven little, eight little, nine little Ghosts, Singing Happy Hal-lo-ween That's my friends home.. Lets go fast.. Are you scared? No.. I am not scared either. Oh no.. look what's that.. Its a skeleton.. How many skeletons can you see One little, two little, three little Skeletons, Four little, five little, six little Skeletons, Seven little, eight little, nine little Skeletons, Singing Happy Hal-lo-ween Hahaha (laugh).. Hey its me …(laugh)... Happy Halloween Your love and support is what keeps us going.. Follow Cucudu's Social Media Accounts to stay connected ❤❤❤❤ Facebook:   / cucudustoys   Instagram:   / cucudus   Check out other videos from cucudu too do you like broccoli ice cream song    • Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream?  Nurs...   ABC Train song    • ABC Train song | Cucudus pretend play...   Its Halloween night Pubg version    • Video   Doctor set    • Cucudus PRETEND PLAY With Doctor set ...   PJ masks toys    • Cucudus pretend play as PJ Masks Cat ...   Paw patrol flip and fly    • Transforming Paw Patrol toy Flip and ...   Boo boo story by cucudu    • The Boo Boo song | Sick song -  Nurse...   Johny johny yes papa    • Johny Johny yes papa | Nursery Rhymes...   Best of Cucudus Toys @    • Best Videos for Kids by Kuku and Cucudu   Cucudus toys is a youtube kids channel for kids toy reviews by a kid. Cucudus toys is one of the fastet growing and most loved Kids toys reviews channel in India. We make fun toys review videos, educational videos and nursery rhymes for kids. Subscribe to our channel and support cucudu in his journey. Kids videos for kids in hindi. #halloweensong #halloweenstory #happyhalloween