A salaried employee is someone who receives a fixed amount of pay (salary) regardless of how many hours they work each month. This means a salaried employee is paid even if they work fewer many of us were raised on the idea of going to school, getting a job, and climbing a corporate ladder to be financially successful. If climbing a corporate ladder is the way to being financially successful then why is it that most of the billionaires and millionaires we know acquired their wealth through entrepreneurship, investments, or inheritance? The answer is simple. We live in a world where the economy is highly optimized to allow corporations to transfer wealth from the majority of people to themselves through the marketplace. If they land a good job, their level of living is likely to go up and their expenses will go up with it. With each raise, they might want to buy something that they have desired and justify that they "deserve" it due to their hard work. That's alright though because they project their expenses to level off and their salary to keep increasing as they gain more experience and keep being promoted, right? Not so fast, remember the economy is optimized to transfer money to people who have built a system in the marketplace. As people's salary increases, their responsibilities are likely to increase. As they get older, their health insurance and medical bills become more expensive. As they get married and have kids, they are bound to be encouraged to cover their kids' expenses from basic needs to college education, cars, weddings, and much more. Those are the expenses that one might be able to project, there are also events that may come up and completely wipe people out financially. They might lose their job and not be able to find another one with a similar income for months, if not years. They might even have to accept a significant salary reduction to get a job. For most people, those events are likely to keep occurring throughout their life, drastically affecting their savings ability. How can you keep your head above water? One has to be an outlier, individual needs to generate more wealth than the economy accounts for them to have. Let me explain when corporations set prices for their products they base them on customers' ability to pay rather than the value that their products create. That enables a few people to receive more value than they pay for, while others get less value for the same products. Get details from the video. link https://www.instagram.com/p/CS03I5_st... Whatsapp link https://wa.link/98pg1r Facebook link / ali.taufiq3 Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/69452... alitaofeeq.blogspot.com #Inflation #Corporateladder #news #passive income ideas #Selfemployed #Paidemployment #Labourmarket #perfectlycompetitivelabour market #labourmarkets #howtomakemoneyonline #howtomakemoney #howtomakepassiveincome #Wages #payraise #salaryraise