Falling Off The Pool Float And Swimming To The Ledge #pool #float #swimming #familytime

Falling Off The Pool Float And Swimming To The Ledge #pool #float #swimming #familytime

Falling Off The Pool Float And Swimming To The Ledge #pool #float #swimming #familytime Learning to swim back to the safety of the pools edge is an important part of the learn to swim process. If toddlers falls off a floatation device while in the middle of the pool they need to learn to turn around and return to the side of the pool. Remember floatation devices must never replace active adult supervision. Adult supervision is essential during all water activities. In swimming lessons we often refer to the skill as a down turn around. When teaching swimming we make sure to progress according to each child’s individual readiness. Slowly building swimming skills and providing gentle support is essentials. Children will learn from seeing demonstrations from adults. Always use positive praises and encouragement when teaching babies and toddlers to swim. For more information visit www.babyswim.info Our most popular baby swimming shorts Falling into the pool #swimming #toddler #pool #safetyfirst #safetytips #learning #fun    • Falling into the pool #swimming #todd...   Lulu 16 Months Safety Turns Underwater #babyswimming # #swimlessons #swimclass    • Lulu 16 Months Safety Turns Underwate...   Baby Dives Into Swimming Pool At 16 Months Of Age #babyswimming #learning #education #amazing    • Baby Dives Into Swimming Pool At 16 M...   Shallow water exploration is great for building independence in Baby Swimming. #babyswimming #swim    • Shallow water exploration is great fo...   Use These Prompts to Help Your Baby Swimming #babyswimming #swimming    • Use These Prompts to Help Your Baby S...   Most Popular Baby Swimming Videos Baby Swimming Basics    • Baby Swimming Basics   Swimming Class For Baby    • Swimming Class For Baby   Baby Swim Songs    • Baby Swim Songs   Family Swim Lesson    • Family Swim Lesson   Baby Swim Training 21 Months Advanced    • Baby Swim Training 21 Months Advanced