신현근 박사: 일반적 치료 원칙 방어기제
PSYCHOTHERAPEUTIC APPROACHES TO THE SPECIFIC DEFENSIVE OPERATIONS. General Principle of Treatment of Borderline Personality Organization. 특정 방어기제들에 대한 임상적 이해. 경계선적 인격 구조 내담자의 치료 원칙. Primitive idealization (Chapter 1) manifests itself in the therapy as an extremely unrealistic, archaic form of idealization. This idealization appears to have as its main function the protection of the therapist from the patient's projection onto him of the negative transference disposition. There is a projection onto the therapist of a primitive, "all good" self- and object-representation, with a oncomitant effort to prevent this "good" image from being contaminated by the patient's "bad" self- and object-representations. (Kernberg, 1975, p. 96) This lecture provided in one of the classes of Innovative Coaching Center (ICC) in Korean (한국어) is publicly shared to help Korean-speaking communities and their members located in various continents, countries, and regions of the world have an easy and free access to the life-coaching, psychoanalytic, and spiritual insights and wisdom.