Level 1-2 60 Minute Vinyasa Flow | How Do You Move? | Adventure Yoga with Stephen Ewashkiw
A Level 1 - 2 flow. How Do You Move? with Stephen Ewashkiw Settle your mind. Release and let go. How do we move through the world? In this class we'll focus on being more aware of each movement and of each breath. Plus, we do it all to the sounds of the Bali tropical wildlife. Not too bad. If you enjoyed class please SUBSCRIBE to my channel to get notified when I post new classes. And if you haven't already, please sign up for the Adventure Yoga newsletter for: ▪︎ a regular email newsletter from me on that week's theme ▪︎ how you can use the theme in your daily life ▪︎ invitations to join my upcoming live online yoga series' ▪︎ and more Go to https://adventureyogaonline.com/ and scroll down to the JOIN NOW button. Namaste OMies, 🙏🏽 - Stephen. https://adventureyogaonline.com/ / stephenewashkiwyoga / adventureyogaonline #yoga #yogaonline #vinyasa