New Life's Worship Service on February 16th, 2025, the Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany
Worship Service on February 16th, 2025, the Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany, at New Life Ev. Lutheran Church of Lake Zurich. Service folder/bulletin: http://www.newlife-wels.org/podcast/E... Before Service Prayer: (A prayer for President’s Day) Gracious Lord, we ask that You would guide our current president with spiritual wisdom and understanding to lead our nation. Surround him with wise counsel of men and women of integrity. Give him insight into all situations so that he might work for peace. We ask that Your mighty arms protect our nation, our military and our leaders, and hold us safely in Your care. We also thank You for the service rendered to our country by past presidents. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Today's Theme: BLESSINGS ARE CURSED; CURSES ARE BLESSED. “This is good. That is bad.” We often think life is that simple. We believe we can assess a situation accurately determine if it is positive or negative. It’s hubris. As Jesus gathered followers, He taught them that his kingdom runs exactly opposite to the principles and priorities of the world. Therefore, much that we think is good is bad, and vice-versa. If we want to accurately see the world, we need to have this epiphany. That which the world considers a blessing can often be a curse. Things like success and wealth and health can lead us away from our God. We become so enamored with those blessings that we forget about the Blesser. Conversely, there are hidden blessings in what we would normally consider curses. When we fail, when we suffer, and when things don’t go our way, it forces us to put our trust in God and for our souls to be satisfied in Him. The reality is that perceived blessings can be cursed and perceived curses can be used for our blessing. Today’s Service: Morning Praise, NPH; used with permission under the OneLicense.net copyright agreement #A-800156. The service is a revision of the historic Order of Matins. Matins (comes from the Latin matutinus meaning “of the morning”) was the monastic service marking the beginning of the new day. In Morning Praise we sing back to God the message He has given us in His word. Christian hymns preach Jesus Christ: crucified, risen and seated at God's right hand. The hymns in this service are from "Christian Worship: A Lutheran Hymnal" ©2021 Northwestern Publishing House. Used with permission. Additional hymns: "Christian Worship Supplement" ©2008 Northwestern Publishing House. Used with permission. #newlifewelslz