Chapter - 1 नजरिए का महत्व | You Can Win by Shiv Khera |
Chapter - 1 नजरिए का महत्व | You Can Win by Shiv Khera | Your Queries You can win Chapter -1 Jeet aapki Shiv Khera books you can win Shiv Khera motivational book inspiring books talking Books Book Summary in Hindi Audiobooks Shiv Khera book Summary Jeet aapki book summary Jeet aapki book summary in hindi #review #readersbooksclub #rewire #yebook #extrememotivation #audiobook #talkingbooks #booksummaryinhindi #youcanwin #jeetaapki #shivkherabooks #youcanwinshivkhera #talkingbooks #jeetaapkibooksummaryinhindi #audiobooks "You Can Win" is a self-help and motivational book written by Shiv Khera. The book focuses on the importance of positive thinking, self-esteem, and goal setting, and provides practical advice on how to overcome obstacles and achieve success. The Hindi audiobook version of "You Can Win" provides listeners with an audio version of the book, allowing them to listen and follow along with the author's teachings and tips. The book emphasizes that success is not just about luck or talent, but also about hard work, determination, and perseverance. With its inspiring messages and actionable advice, "You Can Win" is a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their life and achieve their goals. #review use