Gaudete Sunday Solemn Vespers--Benediction--Low Mass--Third Sunday of Advent--Advent Church Hymns

Gaudete Sunday Solemn Vespers--Benediction--Low Mass--Third Sunday of Advent--Advent Church Hymns

Within the Octave of The Immaculate Conception. General Schedule: Monday--Friday: -11:25am High Mass (School) Friday Evening: -5:15pm Rosary -5:45pm Low Mass -6:30pm Sacred Heart Novena and Benediction Saturday Morning: -7:30am Low Mass -8:05am (approximate) Salve and Sermon -8:15am High Mass Sunday Morning: -7:05am Rosary -7:30am Low Mass -9:00am High Mass -11:05am Rosary -11:30am Low Mass Sunday Afternoon: -4:45pm Vespers and Benediction -5:45pm Low Mass For a more accurate and detailed schedule please see the Church Bulletin link in the "About" section of this Channel.