Diphthongs (eɪ, aɪ, oʊ, ju, ɔɪ, aʊ) | 44 Sounds of American English
This series will teach you to pronounce all 44 Sounds of American English. Improve Your Accent & Speak Clearly! 0:00 Intro 0:15 long a 1:19 long i 2:35 long o 4:09 long u 5:19 oy (as in boy) 6:35 ow (as in cow) Practice the long oo sound: • Pure Long Vowels (i,u) | 44 Sounds of... Practice the y sound: • Approximants —/l/, /ɹ/, /j/, /w/ | 44... Learn more about TRUVEC: / acpetruvec __________________________________________ ■ Support this channel: / robertteachesenglish ■ SUBSCRIBE: https://bit.ly/2VSatlM ■ Follow Robert on FACEBOOK: / robertteachesenglish __________________________________________ LEARN MORE NOW 📖 ■Practice your listening skills with audible: https://amzn.to/3cilcfy ■Take English classes with Lingoda: https://bit.ly/2ZH6yu5 ■Check your grammar for free with Grammarly: https://bit.ly/2ZSH10S __________________________________________ CREDIT 🖼️ Royalty-free images and videos from Pixabay Royalty-free sounds from freesound.org ** Affiliate disclaimer: some of the above links may be affiliate links, which may generate me a sales commission at no extra cost to you. It just helps to support my channel.