German A1 Exam Schreiben | Writing a Letter/Email | 3 Practice Emails with Solutions | Goethe & Telc

German A1 Exam Schreiben | Writing a Letter/Email | 3 Practice Emails with Solutions | Goethe & Telc

In this video, I will tell you everything you need to know about writing a Letter or an Email in the German A1 Exam. I will write 3 sample Emails from the Goethe exams. Additionally, I will also give you important tips & tricks which will help you in the exam and common sentences which you can use in any Letter or Email. How to Introduce Yourself in the German A1 Exam:    • How to Introduce Yourself in German |...   German A1 Exam Preparation Playlist:    • German A1 Exam Preparation   German A1 Videos Playlist:    • German A1 Course   Five Minute German Instagram: Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more videos on learning German, grammar tips, and exam strategies. #german #learngerman #germanforbeginners #germanexam