NOOOOOO! Inosuke 😭 | Demon Slayer REACTION | S02xE16
►Subscribe: / @khghostreacts90 ►Twitter: / khghost2 ►Twitch: / khghost90 ►Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Playlist: • Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba In the past few years I've enter into the anime world as I was first introduce to Naruto. I fell in love with the show and from the story to character and the battles. I sense then have ventured into more anime off camera I've seen Bleach, Hunter x Hunter, Fairy Tail. I decided to make a reaction channel to share my love for these anime and to have authenticate reaction to them. This will be my reaction as I watch through Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba for the very first time. Season 2 - Episode 16 - Defeating an Upper Rank Demon - REACTION This is my reaction to Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba. This is season 2 episode 15, where Tanjiro, Inosuke, Zenitsu meet up with Tengen and the battle between them and Daki/Gyutaro begins. Entertainment District Arc - REACTION #demonslayer #demonslayerseason2reaction #demonslayerS02reaction #demonslayerkimetsunoyaiba #demonslayerkimetsunoyaibaseason2 #demonslayerkimetsunoyaibaentertainmentdistrictarc #demonslayerkimetsunoyaibaanime #demonslayerkimetsunoyaibaedit #demonslayerreaction #anime #demonslayeredit #demonslayerseason2 #demonslayerending #entertainmentdistrictarc #entertainmentdistrictarcdemonslayerop #entertainmentdistrict #demonslayerentertainmentdistrictarc #demonslayerending #kimetsunoyaiba #kimetsunoyaibaseason2