Good Luck Meditation for Good Fortune & Prosperity: 10 Minutes Guided
Welcome to "Manifest Your Dream Life" with Amie Bishop, your host. I created this podcast to aid people in obtaining their best life. I incorporate meditations, personal stories of growth and education on how to manifest. I cover protection mechanisms regarding protecting your energy from others. Information that you don't have to look up. Today I have made a 10 minute guided meditation to give you good luck. We create illusory pattern perceptions, negative bias, learned helplessness and self-fulfilling prophecies that keep us trapped in negative patterns. Listen to this for 21 days to get the full effects and move out of the negative loop cycle. I have created a playlist to enhance your conscious mind into a KNOWING of good fortune. Please listen to this Good Luck Playlist on Spotify and give me a follow! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3m1... Please leave a comment and follow me at this podcast. Sign up for my Email List & Free manifesting Resources at www.amiebishop.com for updates on new playlists, meditations, subliminals and live streams. About Me: Amie Bishop is a multi-genre, mezzo soprano singer / songwriter, producer, manifestation life coach, registered nurse, USAF veteran and Stretch & Flexibility Coach. Owner of Amie Bishop Music, LLC she creates rock, folk, dance, techno, downtempo & New Age music with a focus on healing and rebuilding your life. Facebook || / amiejobishop Instagram || / amiejobishop X || https://x.com/amiejobishop Amie’s Rock Band / Wunderpus || https://www.wunderpusar.com #meditation #sleepmeditation #manifestingabundance