#추수감사절 "#외롭지 않아"/#하나소울(God Soul) #색소폰연주 #Thanksgiving "I'm not lonely"/God Soul saxophone
하나소울 채널은 하나소울 삶의 일부분을 색소폰연주나 노래로 커버하여 하나소울 삶을 기록하고 응원하는 채널입니다 "외롭지 않아" 색소폰연주는 김제조종교회 추수감사주일에 하나소울이 연주한 찬양입니다 1절 2절 후 영상은 조종교회 성도님들과 함께 했던 아름다운 추억이 담긴 가을 소풍을 색소폰연주와 함께 기록으로 남깁니다 The God Soul channel is A part of God Soul life I'll cover it with saxophone or songs It's a channel that records and supports God Soul life "I'm not lonely" The saxophone performance On Thanksgiving Week at Kim Je-Jaejong Church, It's a praise played by God Soul The video after verse 1 and 2 I was with the members of the Pilot Church An autumn picnic with beautiful memories and saxophone performance