Tonsil Stones?😱 But WHY do you have those?#sanjeetsir #motivation #education

Tonsil Stones?😱 But WHY do you have those?#sanjeetsir #motivation #education

Tonsil Stones?😱 But WHY do you have those? #shorts​ These are the tiny stones that get produced in your tonsils. People often get so irritated because of these tonsil stones that they even leave eating and drinking. You must have heard about kidney stones a lot, but today we are going to understand the science behind tonsil stones. These are the tonsils present in your throat, and their function is to prevent the entry of harmful bacteria into your throat. A lot of bacteria remain present in your mouth that tries to enter your body. And these tonsils throw bait to them to capture them in this tonsillar crypt, and the immune cells present there, make those bacteria inactive. Apart from bacteria, food debris, mucus, and dead cells also get deposited in these tonsillar crypts. All these things get hard due to the calcification process and create some yellow, white, or grey-colored tiny stones. These tonsil stones cause swelling in your throat, cough, pain in the throat and ears, bad breath, etc. Some people also get a severe infection because of it. Isn't it comparatively easy to grasp the concept with the help of 3D videos? So hit that subscribe button to watch more amazing 3D videos. #tonsilstones​ #tonsil​ #tonsils​ #tonsillitis​ #tonsillectomy​ ‪@officialttistudy‬ ‪@Gaurav15teotia‬