Bedtime Prayer For Breakthrough And deliverance #shorts #rodcliffestephens #nightlyprayer #god
How to Pray. "This Bedtime Prayer" is a prayer that can be said before going to bed. Here is a possible outline for the prayer: I. Introduction Begin your Prayer with a greeting or an opening line that acknowledges the presence of the true and living God II. Gratitude Express your gratitude in the prayer for the blessings received throughout the day, such as good health, safety, love, and abundant blessings. Give God thanks for the opportunities and challenges that have helped you grow and learn. III. Forgiveness Ask the Lord Jesus for forgiveness for any mistakes, wrongdoings, or harm caused intentionally or unintentionally. Forgive others who have hurt you and let go of any resentment, anger, or grudges. IV. Protection Pray to God for protection and guidance during the night, especially if you feel anxious, afraid, or uncertain. Pray for the safety, health, and well-being of your loved ones, friends, and community. V. Surrender Use this part of the bedtime prayer to surrender your worries, fears, and concerns to the Lord Jesus Christ and trust that everything will be taken care of. Let go of any attachments, expectations, or desires that might prevent you from experiencing inner peace and contentment. VI. Closing End the bedtime prayer with a closing line that reaffirms your faith, hope, and love for the true and living God. #rodcliffestephens #bedtimeprayer #dailyprayer