Meal Prep for my Basset Hound. Homemade Dog Food

Meal Prep for my Basset Hound. Homemade Dog Food

I decided to show you guys how I prepare Penny’s food for the month. I’ve done the math before and I think it comes out to about $4 a day to feed her this super nutritious diet! That’s less than you’ll pay for a cup of coffee. I do not claim to be a pet nutritionist or a professional in this area. I just did a lot of my own research when figuring out what I was going to do for her food. Being that she’s a purebred and one that can have issues down the road with joint pain, obesity, and spine pain. I wanted to give her the best chance possible at having a healthy and long life. Back in the day dogs were fed table scraps and then we moved to kibble. More and more dog foods are getting better but they’re so stinking expensive! That’s what started me down this journey to figuring out what the best diet for my dog would be. I started out cooking her food but then slowly moved away from that and just gave it to her raw. I figured, if it’s food enough for her ancestors it’s good enough for her. I know this is gross but this dog has the most solid, consistent poops! She has had the runs one time in the year and a half that I’ve had her. I do attribute that to her diet. I hope you enjoy this video as much as I enjoyed making it. Again, I am not a professional and I don’t know what’s best for your dog. I am just happy to share some tips. #bassethound #alaska #alaskan #puppy #winter #fun #cute #walking #funny #mealprep #dogfood