The Last of Us Survivor Left Behind DLC Downloadable Content Part 2: Mallrats (1 of 2)
The Last of Us DLC: Left Behind | NEW Last of Us Let's Play / Walkthrough / Playthrough / whatever the hell you wanna call it IN HD 1080p!! Featuring The Last of Us DLC Chapter: Left Behind, Part 02: Mallrats. Playing through in SURVIVOR MODE and showing you where 100% of all collectibles are! Part of this takes place after Chapter 8 in The Last of Us.Do not watch if you haven't played that far because it has spoilers! Ellie and Riley catch up and mend fences as they explore the ruins of an abandoned mall. Subscribe: http://bit.ly/1brv8NU Full Playlist: http://bit.ly/1brugJj Twitter: http://bit.ly/1fZHdiN American Dreams Sumamries (prequel to Left Behind) Issue 1: http://thelastofus.wikia.com/wiki/The... Issue 2: http://thelastofus.wikia.com/wiki/The... Issue 3: http://thelastofus.wikia.com/wiki/The... Issue 4: http://thelastofus.wikia.com/wiki/The...