Rev Dr John Jose Vettiyankal - Healing, Deliverance, & Anointing Retreat - 10/16/2024 Logos Voice TV

Rev Dr John Jose Vettiyankal - Healing, Deliverance, & Anointing Retreat - 10/16/2024 Logos Voice TV

~ Divine Mercy Conference & Healing Workshop ~ ~ Led by Rev. Dr. John Jose Vettiyankal ~ Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Holy Rosary, Benediction, Holy Mass, Benediction Catholic Holy Mass - Wednesday of the Twenty-eighth Week in Ordinary Time (Latin) Memorial of Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, Virgin Memorial of Saint Hedwig, Religious Feast of Blessed Thevarparambil Kunjachan October 16th, 2024 Rev. Dr. Fr. Jose Vettiyankal Director of Logos Retreat Centre Live Today Rev. Dr. Fr. Jose Vettiyankal India ministries and Mission 2024 Logos Retreat Centre and St. Joseph Church Babusahibpalaya 29 Prakruthi Township Babusahibapalaya Bengaluru - 560113. Karnataka. India A daily Healing, Deliverance, & Anointing Retreat through Holy Adoration led by Rev. Dr. Jose Vettiyankal, VC, Locl, M.A., M Phil., PhD. Fr. Jose is appointed as the official Exorcist of the Archdiocese of Bengaluru, India.