GTA Online "The Diamond" Casino Heist How to Change the Target Two Methods only One of them Works

GTA Online "The Diamond" Casino Heist How to Change the Target Two Methods only One of them Works

So in this video you would see two ways of changing the heist target of the casino heist in GTA Online. The first method which is suggested by many does not work anymore, maybe they patched this recently. So at the beginning of Method 1 you see that I had cash as the target and I was ready to do the preps but instead I cancelled it and started again and the rest you can see in the video but the target remained the same. The 2nd method continues from that target that I got i.e. Cash. I started the prep by just choosing the support crew then cancelled the heist and started anew. Hope you guys find this useful and do let me know if this method doesn't work for some reason. Oh and by the way there's another way that people suggest that I haven't shown in this video in which you take a kind of sneak peek at the vault i.e. you move the camera slowly so that you see what is in there but it doesn't get identified (Lester doesn't start talking). After that you close the camera and immediately change the session and do the vault contents prep again without having to cancel the heist. I have tried this many times but this also DOESN'T WORK! Let me know of any other ways in the comments. 00:00 Method 1 09:30 Method 2