St. Stephen Lutheran Church April 9, 2023 Easter Service

St. Stephen Lutheran Church April 9, 2023 Easter Service

00:00 - Easter 01:06 - Hymn: "Now All the Vault of Heaven Resounds" (LSB 465) 08:14 - Hymn: “Jesus Lives! The Victory's Won” (LSB 490 v. 1–2) 10:01 - Reading: Jesus' Resurrection From the Dead 14:19 - Hymn: "Jesus Christ Is Risen Today” (LSB 457) 19:18 - Reading: Jesus' Appearance to Mary Magdalene 21:46 - Hymn: “Morning Breaks Upon the Tomb” (TLH 203) 22:32 - Reading: Jesus' Appearance to the Disciples Behind Closed Doors 25:57 - Hymn: “He Is Arisen! Glorious Word” (LSB 488) 29:06 - Hymn: "Awake, My Heart, with Gladness" (LSB 467) 33:57 - Sermon: "'Names of Wondrous Love' – THE LIGHT" 52:00 - Prayer 55:35 - Hymn: "I Know that My Redeemer Lives" (LSB 461 v. 1, 2, 5-8) 1:00:40 - Announcements 1:02:39 - Outro