GTA Diamond Casino Heist Aggressive   Easiest Heist Ever Updated 2023

GTA Diamond Casino Heist Aggressive Easiest Heist Ever Updated 2023

We did this Heist Aggressive without getting wasted, i never thought this Heist would be this playful and Fun, GTA Diamond Casino Heist Aggressive Loud Walkthrough after latest DLC LS Mercenaries 2023. Are you ready to carry out the ultimate heist? To plan a score this big you’ll need the right location, crew and gear. Fortunately for you, Lester has already sourced the perfect front. Meet up with Lester in Mirror Park, then tap into Maze Bank Foreclosures to acquire the new Arcade property. Once your Arcade is up and running, the basement planning area below is where the real work begins. The Hideout houses three planning boards and provides a place to store sourced getaway vehicles and heist prep equipment, as well as areas to stage rehearsals to practice cracking vaults and hacking doors with your crew. Gathering intel and preparing comprehensive reconnaissance with your crew will be crucial. As you take on preparatory missions you’ll have the option to go the extra mile by documenting various entry points, destroying supply shipments and gathering intel on security systems from an old associate and former Casino employee, all of which will reward you with more routes, approaches and options like getaway decoys when it comes to the big show. You also need to make sure you have the right people at your disposal. Through Lester’s nefarious network of contacts you can hire support team members: bringing on the right driver, gunman and hacker are key – for the right price you’ll be able to hire some serious experts depending on how well connected you already are. The Diamond Casino Heist gives you three distinct approaches to initially choose from, with multiple ways to execute your chosen approach. Choose Silent & Sneaky to enter undetected and try to make off with the haul before they even know what hit them. Engage in deception by going The Big Con route and masquerading as maintenance staff, pest control or other contractors. Or opt to go in guns blazing with the Aggressive approach – just be prepared to be met with increased resistance. For each approach, you’ll have a series of choices for how you want to complete every step of the Heist. And if at any time your attempts at stealth or subterfuge somehow fail, you will still be able to complete the mission by dealing with any changing scenarios and pushing through to the end with your last remaining lives. Thank You for checking out the Channel and hopefully you find a reason to stick to it, if you haven't already, Subscribe for more GTA5 / Online, Fortnite and God Of War content. Follow Me on My Website & other Social Links👇🥳🥳🥳 Website : Instagram :   / spunkyicheeko   Twitter :   / spunkyicheeko   Pinterest :   / spunkyicheeko   TikTok :   / spunkyicheeko   #cayoperico #gtalive #spunkyicheeko