Surah Yasin (Yaseen) Episode 35 | By Abo Shoraim | Full With Arabic Text (HD) | 36 سورة يٰس
Surah Yasin (Yaseen) Episode 35 | By Abo Shoraim | Full With Arabic Text (HD) | 36 سورة يٰس ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #yaseen #surahyaseen #yasin ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sūrah Yā-Sīn (also Yaseen; Arabic سورة يس( is the 36th chapter (surah) of the Quran. It ]."[3] Yasin is also one of the names of the Prophet Muhammad, as reported in a saying of Ali, "I heard the Messenger of God say, 'Verily God has named me by seven names in the Quran: Muhammad [3:144; 33:40; 47:2; 48:29], Ahmad [61:6], Tā Hā [20:1], Yā Sīn [36:1], thou enwrapped [alhi3:1], thou who art covered [al-Mudaththir; 74:1], and servant of God [Abd Allah; 72:19]."[4] ______________________________________________ YouTube..https://bit.ly/4fZQAOY TikTok..https://bit.ly/3PDxsLT Whatsapp.. +966576136997 ______________________________________________ Keworlds. 👇 surah yasin surah yaseen yasin surah full surah yasin full surat yasin yasin sura yasin quran yaseen surah stunning recitation of surah yasin surah best recitation of surah yasin surah yasin tilawat surah yaseen full yaseen surah full yasin sharif surah rahman surah yasin sudais surah ya sin surah yasin mishary al quran surah yasin sura al quran surah yasin surah yaseen beautiful recitation surah yasin beautiful recitation quran recitation imam sudais surah yasin #surahyaseen #surahyasin #surahyaseenfull #surahyasinfull #surahyasinsharif #surahalyaseen #yasin #yaseen #suratyasin #suratyaseen #suratyaseenlive #suratyasinmerdu #quransurahyasin #quransurahyasinfull #یس quranrecitation #quran #tilawat #viral #quranrecitation #beatifulrecitation #tilawah #tilawatequran #tilawahquran #beatifulrecitation #quranrecitation #qurantranslation #qurantilawat #quran_kareem #quranpak #quran_tilawat #tilawahquran #quranviral #quranvideo #dailyrecitation #zikrullahtv #تلاوات #تلاوة_خاشعة #تلاوة #تلاوات_خاشعة #تلاوت سورۃ یٰس سورۃ الفاتحہ,سورہ,سورة,سورۃالرحمن,سورۃالبقرہ,سورۃالواقعہ,سورۃالرحمان,سورة يس,سورہ 36,سورت یس,سورہ یس,سورہ یسین,سورة الملك,سورة کاملـة,سورة الرحمان,سورة الواقعة,السديس سورة يس,سورہ یسین مکمل,سورہ یسین تلاوت,قاري سديس سورة يس,سورہ یسین القرآن,خوبصورت تلاوت