GOTHAM KNIGHTS | PT.3 | PS5 NG+ Playthrough | 4K HDR 60FPS No Commentary
GOTHAM KNIGHTS | PT.3 | PS5 NG+ Playthrough | 4K HDR 60FPS No Commentary Gotham Knights is set in Gotham City shortly after the death of Batman. His death, coupled with the death of GCPD Commissioner James Gordon has resulted in the city being stricken with a crime wave. As a contingency, Batman sent out a final message, known as "Code Black," to the members of the Bat Family and entrusted them with protecting the city. Accepting Batman's last wishes, this playthrough will focus on Batgirl, who has embarked on a crusade to keep Gotham safe from the many criminals and supervillains that threaten the city, Focusing on MAIN story only the Court of Owls and the League of Shadows. Batman's former butler Alfred Pennyworth and GCPD Police Captain Renee Montoya have offered their assistance to Batgirl and the Bat Family to help them accomplish their mission. Full playlist Here: • GOTHAM KNIGHTS | PT.1 | PS5 NG+ Playt... NOTE: I am NOT a Professional gamer. However If this helps anyone in any way to get through the game as a walk through, or if you simply enjoy the story, drop a like & Subscribe and expect more playthroughs to come :) #Gotham_Knights #CCs_Gameplays #WB_Games