Fulfilling A Promise – 10:45 a.m. Traditional Worship (November 28, 2021)
This week's preacher is Dr. Davis Chappell. We begin our Advent sermon series, called "Wishful Thinking." Download our order of worship, register your attendance, and find Sunday School lessons for children and youth at bumc.net/live. The chancel flowers are presented to the glory of God by Judy and Tom Foster in honor of their 50th wedding anniversary. ORDER OF WORSHIP ................................... CHIMING OF THE HOUR Dr. Gregg Bunn WORD OF WELCOME Rev. Adam Jones VOLUNTARY “Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence” arr. Albert Travis ADVENT WREATH Lighting of the candle of Hope Acolyte 1: Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. The person who follows me will never live in darkness. He will have the light that gives life.” We light this candle in hope, the hope of our coming Savior, Jesus. Acolyte 2: Isaiah 9:2 proclaims, “Now the people live in darkness. But they will see a great light. They live in a place that is very dark. But a light will shine on them.” Come, Lord Jesus, our light and life. People: Prepare the way of the Lord! *PROCESSIONAL HYMN “Blessed Be the God of Israel” FOREST GREEN *AFFIRMATION OF FAITH We believe in God, creator and preserver of life, origin and destiny of us all. We believe in Jesus Christ – God coming to us in the fragile promise of a baby yet unborn, who emerges as the herald of hope, God’s laughter in the face of despair. He broke free the captives and is leading the way to the land of promise where justice and peace will flourish. We believe in the Holy Spirit, who implants the seed of truth, brings us to birth as the body of Christ, and empowers us to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. We believe in the coming reign of God. For the coming of that day on this day, we pray: Come, Lord Jesus, come! *GLORIA PATRI 70 “Glory Be to the Father” MEINEKE PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE & LORD’S PRAYER *SCRIPTURE READING: JEREMIAH 33:14-16 (NRSV) Judy Zartman SERMON “Fulfilling a Promise” Wishful Thinking, part 1 Dr. Davis Chappell OFFERING Rev. Adam Jones You can register your attendance and make gifts at bumc.net/live. CHORAL OFFERING “Come to Us, Lord” by John Helgen Chancel Choir; Robby Shankle, recorder; Alden Vines, percussion; Paul Ferington, piano; Mark Edwards, director *INVITATION TO CHRISTIAN DISCIPLESHIP Dr. Davis Chappell CLOSING HYMN 102 “View the Present through the Promise” AR HYD Y NOS *BENEDICTION Dr. Davis Chappell *CHORAL BENEDICTION “Rejoice, Rejoice!” by David Schwoebel POSTLUDE “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” arr. Robert Powell