Crazy Ways To SNEAK SNACKS INTO HOSPITAL || DIY Life Hacks & Funny Food Situations by Crafty Panda
Do you like food in the hospital, Pandas? If not, we have the best food sneaking ideas for all of you! If you ever have to stay there, make sure to remember these clever tips on how to sneak snacks into the hospital! And don’t forget to stay tuned for more funny situations & awkward moments by Crafty Panda! If you enjoyed this video, you might also like “HOW TO SNEAK MAKEUP INTO CLASS! Sneaking Ideas & Back To School Situations by Crafty Panda”: • HOW TO SNEAK MAKEUP INTO CLASS! Sneak... FAKE DOCTOR NECK BRACE FAKE PREGNANCY LEGOLAS FAKE TONGUE FACE MASK FAKE PUKE TEDDY BEAR SYRINGE BANDITS ATTACK CRUTCHES FROM BREAD STAFF DEALER CANDY IN NECK CAST FAKE PATIENT HYPNOTIZING CANDY FAKE BROKEN ARM COKE DRIP SYSTEM HUMAN ORGANS BOX PAMPERS WITH CANDY DONATED BLOOD BAGS FISH TANK WITH SPRITE SECRET PARCEL PILL GUMMIES SPRITE DRIP INJURED FACE MASK BABY FLASK TRAVEL PILLOW FAKE PHONE CANDY BEARD EDIBLE MAKEUP CANDY JEWELRY Love the music used in this video? You can find our music on EpidemicSound: https://bit.ly/2JcUlBa Subscribe to Crafty Panda: Español: https://youtube.com/CraftyPandaES?sub... Deutsch: https://youtube.com/CraftyPandaDE?sub... Français: https://youtube.com/CraftyPandaFR?sub... Português: https://youtube.com/TruquesDoPanda?su... School Hacks: • 13 Easy School Girl Fashion Hacks and... Home Decor DIY Ideas: • Pimp Your Home With These 19 DIY Room... DIY Clothes & Other Fashion Hacks: • 13 Curvy Girl Fashion Hacks and DIY O... For sponsored content contact us at [email protected] #SneakFood #Funny #CraftyPanda