The OHL Intraday Strategy is one of the widely used and most profitable intraday trading strategy. In this video, I have shown how to use it in such a way that the accuracy levels will be 70%+ This strategy will be extremely profitable on a consistent basis if combined with good risk/reward ratio. Checkout my FREE Price action trading course. I guarantee it will help you become a good trader. ------ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... Free intraday & swing trading calls - Join my Telegram Channel : http://t.me/itradethecharts I am passionate about helping new traders become consistently profitable by making Intraday trading easy to understand. My name is Gautam Ganesh & I'm a professional stock market & forex trader since 2010. The purpose of this channel is to provide high quality stock market & forex trading education. Content will feature in depth market analysis and live trading done in my REAL account. I am an experienced trader & I trade based on raw price action as per strict risk management rules. These educational materials are free of cost to you for learning purposes. The market analysis and live trades published here cannot be re-published or copied for personal or commercial purposes. From time to time, I will include some discussion on the finest price action based swing trading set ups to take your trading to the next level. My trading method is extremely simple. I identify high probability, low risk/high reward trades based on demand/supply levels on a larger time frame, then compute the stop loss & target levels based on those levels, position sizing that is in line with my risk management rules, confirm the price action then Set & Forget the trade :) Since I am a conservative trader, I prefer not to use leverage/margin offered by the brokers. Capital preservation is extremely important to me so I use a fixed% risk model on my account and withdraw profits every month. For a number of years, the 1% risk model has worked wonders for me. I never risk more than 1% of my portfolio on any trade and I always recommend traders to do the same. I have written several articles on how I trade. Do checkout them out my website: http://itradethecharts.com Facebook: / itradethecharts Twitter: / itradethecharts Quora: https://www.quora.com/profile/iTradet... Disclaimer: THIS CHANNEL IS INFORMATIONAL ONLY, I CANNOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR YOUR LOSSES, IF ANY. #itradethecharts #intradaytrading #freeintradaytradingcourse