![NCTC DALLAS WORSHIP [07.22.2023] PAULA KIM](https://krtube.net/image/npM8UFmo5MQ.webp)
NCTC DALLAS WORSHIP [07.22.2023] PAULA KIM 00:00 - Intro: Praying in the Spirit 08:14 - This is amazing grace 14:44 - I know who I am 21:14 - Worthy is the Lamb (Loveworld Singers) 26:28 - Holy and Anointed 📌 Online Offering: If you wish to contribute to our ministries, there are convenient ways to sow your seed: Zelle: afcdallas20@gmail.com Web: https://app.aplos.com/aws/give/NewCre... 🪖❤️🔥NCTC's Mission: 1. Preaching The Gospel of Christ: New Creation Revelation 2. Training People to Function as New Creations 3. Winning Millions of People to Christ 4. Raising The Army of Soul-Winners for the End-Time Harvest The New Creation Training Center serves as a vessel of God to raise soldiers of Christ for the end-time harvest of souls. We achieve this by spreading the revelation of the "new creation," a profound insight into the essence of the gospel, and by equipping individuals to function as new creations. ℹ️ Learn more about us: Website: https://www.nctcdallas.org/ Prayer Website: https://ncr.nctcdallas.org/en Contact: info@nctcdallas.org